Paid Search

Campaigns optimized for conversions.


We collect psychographic, demographic and shopping data including CRM, social, real-time product inventory, pricing, cross-channel performance and third-party information to build out a robust audience identity.

  • Keyword Analysis & Strategy
  • Audience-Level Triggers & Targeting 
  • Search Media Planning & Forecasting
  • Trends Analysis
  • Predictive Modeling
  • Relative Market Share
  • Audience Patterns
  • Voice Search Strategy


We unlock the power of search and multi-platform advertising for your brand, based on strategic inputs and desired outcomes and results.

  • Google Ads
  • Google Display Network (GDN) 
  • Microsoft Ads
  • Sponsored Retail Search (Amazon, Walmart, Instacart, etc.)
  • Social Searches (YouTube & TikTok)
  • Product Listing & Local Inventory Ads
  • Prospecting & Remarketing
  • Third-Party Integration


We deliver transparency and a collaborative partnership with dynamic, clean and easy-to-understand reports.

  • Custom Dashboards & Dynamic Reporting
  • Data Analysis & Results Insights
  • KPI & Goal Measurement
  • Ad Hoc Reporting

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