In our continuing series of examining Google Search Trends to gain insights into the top keywords queried in the USA, we present our findings for March 2022.
Every day, we capture the top three keyword phrases in terms of search volume as reported by Google Trends (US Only). Each term has an estimated query volume attached to it, which we also record. The number scale tops out at 10,000,000+ with a lower limit of 200,000+ (sometimes 100,000+). After the conclusion of the month, we look at the phrases we collected along with their volumes to get an understanding of what drove queries for the month.
Will Smith Broke Google Trends
Well, let’s not bury the lead. The biggest story from our collected data stems from The Slap Heard ‚ÄòRound The World. There was a huge spike in search volume related to the slapper, Will Smith on the night of the Oscars.. Because of the large number of searches, it made the reporting of Google Trends’ daily trends a little funky. We’ll examine those queries in their own section below, but the rest of the month did have some other interesting search topics.
There were other topics related to the world of entertainment outside of the Oscars. We’ll examine what movies and TV shows people were hoping to see. March Madness took up a lot of real estate in Google Trends’ report so we’ll take you through those queries, and we think we know why weather-related keywords are getting more queries lately. Without further ado, here are our insights into Google Trends for March 2022.
The Other Top Quered Phrases For March 2022
Beyond Will Smith, there were two other topics that drove over 10 million queries in a day. Those topics were attached to Google Doodles, which become queries when someone simply clicks on the altered Google logo.
- Winter Paralympics – 3/3/2022 – 10,000,000+ queries
- Rosa Bonheur – 3/15/2022 – 10,000,000+ queries
The Winter Paralympics were held between March 4th and 13th and interest in the games was supported by Google Doodle. The French painter Rosa Bonheur was celebrated on what would have been her 200th birthday.
Holiday Searching – March 2022 Style
This year, March was full of holidays. Let’s take a look at the list.
- Ash Wednesday – 3/1/2022 – 1,000,000+ queries
- Mardi Gras 2022 – 3/1/2022 – 1,000,000+ queries
- International Womens Day – 3/7/2022 – 2,000,000+ queries
- Pi – 3/14/2022 – 1,000,000+ queries
- St. Patrick’s Day 2022 – 3/16/2022 – 1,000,000+ queries
- April Fools pranks – 3/31/2022 – 1,000,000+ queries
The start of Lent kicked off March and people interested in both Mardi Gras and Ash Wednesday took to Google to learn more about those holidays. One of the members of our AMP SEO team went to New Orleans to see the celebrations first hand and lived to tell the tale!
The highest queried holiday in this list was International Women’s Day, which occurs every March 8th. This holiday has picked up in search interest over the last 5 years.
An unofficial holiday that is celebrated on March 14th is Pi Day. Since Pi the mathematical constant of the ratio of a circle’s circumference to its diameter is 3.14 (rounded up), it corresponds with the month number and day of March 14th. Let’s see the five year trends of Pi Day.
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